SINCE 1963
Membership in the Bay Cities Surf Club is by invitation only. If you are reading this it is because an active Regular Member in good standing has invited you to join and has agreed to serve as your sponsor during the membership process. Your Sponsor will attest to your qualifications. Once you agree to undertake the following steps your Sponsor will give you an application form provided by the Board and schedule your interview with the General Membership.
The steps for membership are as follows;
A. Invitation by an active Regular Member willing to serve as your sponsor.
B. Completed application presented to Member sponsor. Application must be legibly filled out.
C. The General Member sponsor must present the applicant to the General Membership and speak to the attributes of the applicant, to include, but not limited to the applicant’s surfing skill level and experience, reason for desired membership, background, integrity, what the applicant brings to the BCSC, and other points of interest.
D. The applicant will then present themselves at the general meeting and respond to any questions by the General Membership. Applicant should be prepared to state their desire to join the Club, exhibit a basic understanding of Club history, and convey how they will contribute to the Club.
E. At the conclusion of the general meeting, ”The Board” may conduct interviews with the sponsor and the applicant. “The Board” shall review application for membership and if the applicants review is favorable, the President will present the applicant at the following general meeting. Upon the initial payment of first year dues ($100.00 for adults, $50.00 for minors made Payable to Bay Cities Surf Club) for all individual memberships, those applicants shall be considered members of the BCSC.